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at the beach

If you follow me on instagram, you probably already know that Aaron and I went to the beach this past weekend. What was originally meant to be a day trip turned into a full weekend away and was exactly what I needed and I didn't even realize it. Last week was one of those weeks that flew by without much time for myself. I'm really grateful Aaron planned our weekend away rather than letting me bum around at home for the weekend which is what I was planning on doing.

I debate a lot about how much I want to share on my blog and how personal to be. I go back and forth about what is relevant and relatable but why blog in the first place if not to share bits and pieces of your life?  So yes, I could tell you about our weekend by telling you where we stayed, what we did, where we ate and silly stories about tripping over my maxi dress when I tried to stomp on a sandcastle like Godzilla. But what made this weekend really special was not how delicious the fresh fish tacos were at dinner but how relaxed I felt. 

I have a really hard time relaxing. I am a pretty tightly wound person and too often get caught up in my own head trying to plan everything out. Knowing this about myself, I have to be deliberate in letting go and lately thats been more challenging than usual. The idea of a weekend away was daunting; in my head, it was another "activity" weekend and the opposite of relaxing. But we had no plans, instead we just played everything by ear which is something I never ever do. And you know what, it was completely freeing to choose what we wanted to do in that very moment rather than plan ahead. It was a nice --and much needed-- reminder of the value of letting go.

TL;DR: I need to go to the beach every weekend. Who's with me?



  1. Beautiful! Love the ice cream cone picture!

  2. agreed. the ice cream cone looks awesome. so does that beach! I should go this week!
