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a quick trip

Ah, New York City, how I love you so.

I'm totally crushing on New York and while my mini trip was such a whirlwind, it was so energizing at the same time. I didn't do much persay, just ate and talked a lot, but my heart is SO full after spending time with girlfriends who are the type that no matter how much time has passed, it always feel like you just saw them yesterday. It's really just the best feeling.

There is also something about New York that is truly infectious. If you've never been a) you definitely need to go and b) you probably think I'm a Looney Toon. When I think of New York, from afar, its easy for me to think of the fast pace, the incessant traffic, the not so friendly people, the dirtiness. But there really is something intangible as soon as I step off the bus/train that gives me an immediate boost. I start to look at the fast pace as people are excited to get to where they want to go; I see the incessant traffic as time to stop and admire the city from the comforts of inside a car; I'm empathetic to the not so friendly people because they are probably tired of sharing their city which is something I get after living in SF and DC which are awesome cities and always packed with tourists. The dirtiness? Well that's just something you get over real quick because who cares about the dirtiness anymore? You're in one of the greatest cities of the world.

Anywho happy Monday, Friends. Hope you had a great weekend and your week is already off to a good start!

(See what a good weekend with girlfriends in NY can do for a person? I'm pumped about a Monday!)


  1. Oh, I love New York! My bestie lives in Hoboken and we have the best time hanging out together and visiting the city:)
