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link love

Why hello there, Weekend! So nice to see you again!

Aaron and I are off to Boston this weekend! I have to go up for work and Aaron has never been so I tricked invited him to come along. We're trying to keep our plans open so we can see and do as much as we want but I'd love to hear your suggestions. What is a must see/eat/try while we're there? Follow along on snapchat (@heyim_nicole)!

Links I'm loving...

  • Feeling stagnant in your job? Or looking for a new one? Don't miss this article.
  • It seems like I've been posting a #GIRLBOSS article every week but why stop now. Jessica Alba is a major #GIRLBOSS!
  • The support around Caitlyn Jenner this week was really moving. But there is so much more we can do for the LGBT community. Read this essay Laverne Cox wrote. I think it really speaks to the heart of the issue so many members of the LGBT community face.
  • Woohoo! A bunch of new drugstore products to check out!

Sales and such....

  • I posted about this on my instagram but want to mention it here, too. Through the weekend, Makeup Geek is donating $20 to BDSRA for every purchase of the Caitlin Rose eye shadow. The shadow was named after my cousin whose favorite color was purple and who passed away three years ago from Battens - an awful, heartbreaking, debilitating, and ultimately terminal disease. If you're not familiar with Makeup Geek, you really ought to check the store out. The CEO is a youtuber who spent years researching how to make and market high-pigment, custom colors that retail at an affordable price. The result is not only a $10m business but a philanthropic and community focused group of make up artists. You can buy the shadow HERE.

That's it today. This is the most important sale this week and I don't want you to miss it.

Have a good weekend, friends! Catch you next week! XO

image via unsplash | edited by Nicole Allio for A Dash of Gold

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