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link love

Hello, Friday!

How was your week? I forwent any St. Patricks Day celebrations which is probably the most adult decision I have ever made. I don't have a strong SPD track record. Throughout the years, I've sprained a few ankles, broken a camera, had a $40 tab at McDonalds, and had other generally sloppy moments that do not need to be shared in a public forum. I've retired from St. Patrick's Day which makes my March 18th all the more lovely. I hope you're recovering well and your morning is full of breakfast sandwiches and March Madness.

Links I'm loving...

Sales and such...
  • I need this shirt because it is so accurate.
  • I am loving Target's shoe collection this season (see exhibit A here). Right now they are having a bogo sale! Buy one get one 50% off. Run, don't walk, to Target.com and stock up. I am loving these tall gladiator sandals and this orange sandal. You know I love anything fringe or cutout so I'm obviously loading up my virtual cart.
  • I need a backpack for school. I'm sick of lugging my laptop around but don't want to sacrifice style for comfort (that's never been my style, ha). What do you think of this backpack? I love this one in red but unfortunately my laptop wont fit inside which defeats the purpose of getting a backpack? Or does it.. 
  • I think Aaron and I are going to do a Polaroid guest book at our wedding so I'm going to pick up this camera so we can play around with it all summer before we get married.

Have a good weekend! Catch you next week! XO


  1. If you're a Bach fan you should check out The Basic Bitch's Guide to Life podcast. Hilarious!
