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a quick break from our regularly scheduled programming

I was all set to share with you a new recipe post today.... but decided to share with you a particularly poignant video. Aaron and I discovered this video last week (yes -we're way late on the times) and have been quoting non stop it ever since. "Ain't nobody got time to that" has been motto as of late.

Well you guys -this morning there actually was a fire in my apartment building! We were incredibly blessed to be able to get out safely, no one in our building was hurt and the damage was contained to one apartment. It was scary but I'm beyond grateful that all our neighbors were okay! After we got confirmation the fire was out and no one was hurt, we waited outside for the smoke to clear and a news crew came to check out the scene. All I could think about was Sweet Brown. Unfortunately (or fortunately- however you look at it) I was not interviewed.... because had I been, you can imagine what I would have said..... "OH LORD JESUS ITS A FI-YAH!"

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