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dry shampoo: my little miracle worker


I have a LOT of trouble waking up when my alarm clock goes. Lately its been 3 snoozes minimum. I'm just NOT a morning person. So in an effort to save time in the morning (read: sleep in more) as well as follow the advice of every hair stylist ever, I've been washing my hair every other day. Sounds great, right? No. I have really fine hair so my hair falls flat easily and even worse, gets oily easily. A day without a wash is not a pretty look so I've been all about this explosion of new dry shampoos on the market. And ladies (maybe guys if you're reading this and have oily hair?), I've tried 'em all. The expensive ones, the cheap ones, the colored ones, the scented ones. You name it, I've tried it. So I'd like to think of myself as a bit of an expert in the dry shampoo field. As if anyone wants to be an expert in that...

 These 4 are my favorites and really stand out from the crowd. Feel free to leave an of your favs in the comments. I'd love to check out any of your recommendations!

Suave Dry Shampoo- $3.50 (my hands down favorite - I think you get the most bang for your buck. I buy it in bulk. You may think I'm kidding. I'm not.)
Batiste Original- 7.99 - (By far the freshest and best smelling of the 4)
Batiste Hint of Color- 8.99 (love the colored spray option so my hair doesn't look gray. Also comes in brunette and red)
Ojon Rub it out Dry Cleansing Spray 24.50 ( a little pricey but  comes in a travel size thats perfect for airplane carry ons. I've found the nozzle can clog but easily unclogs if you run it under warm water)


  1. I have the same relationship with my snooze button. Read- I need 10 hours of sleep like a baby but don't have a baby's lifestyle. Thanks for the recs.

  2. Preach on, my fine-haired sistah
