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[drug store dupe] make up remover

Truthfully, when it comes to make up remover, I think its a hard case to argue that a higher end product is better than a drug store option. At the end of the day, if it takes your make up off, what else do you want it to do? And what is most important in your face care regime is  the the face washes, primers, toners, lotion and cremes you use before and after you take off your make up. Pinch a penny by using a drug store alternative for your make up remover so that you can spend a bit more on a good eye creme (if you're like me and have to admit you're getting eye wrinkles. Woof.)
MAC does a lot of things pretty much everything well so its no surprise their cleansing wipe is great too. Besides the obvious of removing your make up, wipes have a mild scent and leave your skin baby butt soft (yes, I just used baby butt as an adjective). I love the Neutrogena wipes for the same reason and I really think they do just as good of a job. To note: While MAC pack comes with 45 wipes and Neutrogena comes with 25, buying two packs of the Neutrogena wipes will still save you a few dollars in the long run. This also doesn't factor in the cost of whatever else you inevitably buy at the MAC counter because I can never leave the counter with just one thing. Ammiright or ammiright, ladies??

Maybe the cheese (me) stands alone on this one but I actually prefer the Almay version to the Clinique version. The Almay version is oil free and my tough to get off mascara glides right off with this and leaves my skin so soft. The Clinique version does a great job at taking off my waterproof mascara but doesn't leave my skin feeling as fresh and clean as the Almay version. However, this may be the only Clinique product a drug store version does better. There is a reason Clinique is one of the all time best skin care lines!

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