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[from the kitchen] non-family recipe banana bread

I'm under this impression that Banana Bread is something everyone has an old family recipe for. You know, a recipe that  has been passed down for generations, a recipe that reminds you of grandma's house, a secret family recipe you make for every occasion you need baked goods. 

Well I don't have one of those. 

And maybe no one else does which would make my insecurities about a secret family banana bread recipe unfounded. But just in case you too need a "family recipe" join me and the food network family and use this recipe. I add a tsp of vanilla to the wet ingredients to personalize it and pretend its my family recipe. When I don't eat my banana bread with ice cream (obviously not pictured since I ate it too fast the ice cream melted too fast) I like to drizzle some honey over butter. YUM!

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