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carry on essentials

I'm headed home to San Francisco later this week and I CANNOT WAIT. I haven't been home for 6 months and I am longing for the fresh Bay Area air, this view from my moms house and the burritos. OH how I'm excited for the burritos. You guys have no idea how much I miss the burritos. They just don't have burritos here like they do in the Mission. I'm literally drooling as I type this. Maybe you're catching on to how much I miss the deeeelicious burritos. I'll be home celebrating my baby brothers college graduation and I am MORE excited than I am about burritos (if you can imagine) to celebrate him and his incredible accomplishment. I am so proud of him!

As you can see here (that was for a week at home!), I have mastered the art of packing shoving/stuffing everything into one carry on suitcase and keeping my favorite Longchamp carryall free for my carry-on essentials.

1// gum
2// magazines - People Style Watch is my fav!
3// ipad
4// lightweight sweater - I get so cold on the plane, a soft light weight sweater is a must fo me
5// hand sanitizer
6// ballet flats - easy slip ons for the security lines are a life (and time) saver!
7// make up bag - I like to keep a few essentials in a carry on make up bag in case I need any sprucing up when I get off
8// facial towelettes - Have you tried these? They are amaze. They are great for a quick refresh for my skin which feels wilted after being on a plane for a cross country flight.
9// rose bud salve (not pictured) - This stuff is heaven sent. It is great for everything! I use it as lip balm and cuticle oil and even rub a little on my elbows to relieve dryness.

PS- Still one day to enter my Coral Rose Necklace giveaway over at Classic & Bubbly! Hurry hurry!


  1. I keep pretty much all of my makeup in my carry on because one time my luggage got lost and I had to go buy a bunch of new makeup so that I wouldn't be hard to look at.. Learned my lesson. Found your blog today and love it!

    1. Ah, that sounds like a nightmare! I need to start doing that! Glad you found my blog, thanks for stopping by! xo

  2. your blog is too cute!! i love it ! always have to have a good magazine and facial towlettes, i always feel gross after a flight!
    Helene in Between

    1. Thanks, lady! Facial towelettes are KEY. My skin always feels a mess after a flight!

  3. Flats are definitely a travel essential! I dont know how people travel in heels.

    1. Right?! I saw so many women in heels today in the airport! Guess they've never had to run to a connection or can run in heels like Carrie Bradshaw!

  4. LOVE that make up bag! so cute! :)
