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splurge or save: nude strappy heels

So I'm actually a total wimp when it comes to heels and usually lean towards a pricier option in the name of comfort (or alleged comfort) that a cheaper counterpart. I think its worth the extra money. But I know a lot of women who are so comfortable walking in heels that quality matters a lot less. Perhaps I should wear heels more often to condition my feet so I can save on cheaper options? As if I need another excuse to go shopping..... nor would Aaron say we have any more room in our apartment for my clothes/shoes/accessories. I'm sure we could find the space though :)

I've had good and bad experiences with both Zara and Target with heels so this one feels like a toss up to me. If they were trendier, I'd lean towards saving money with the Target heels but because I think I'll get a lot of use out of these, I'll likely be heading over to Zara this week. And the Zara heels aren't too much of a splurge when it comes to shoes anyways.. right? right? Someone tell me I'm right.


  1. I tend to be a cheap-o and head for less expensive versions, BUT I do agree, Zara's heels aren't too bad price wise and they have the cutest heels!!

    1. DITTO! I think they are pretty reasonably priced for the quality!

  2. I knew I had to be your friend after I saw your blog name! I have been obsessed with gold lately. So excited to get to know you are and your love for gold!

    Get the Zara heels! You can't put a price on good shoes and besides you will have these for years! So classic! :)

    1. Thanks so much! LOVE gold, doesnt it just match everything so well? Thanks for the advice, I think I'll go with Zara too!

  3. like you said...because the zara heels are likely to be a lasting staple, they are worth the splurge!

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