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[closet obsessions] hoping I don't regret this one..

I ordered this skirt during one of the last JCrew Factory 2491755% off everything sales (ok, it was only 40%) and when it came, one of the very first things I thought was oh I can't wait to wear this skirt in a blog post! Then I realized shortly thereafter after thinking about it for awhile, that was pretty shallow of me. So I'm clearly still posting about the skirt but to balance it out, here are 5 embarrassing things I can't believe I'm posting on the internet.

In no particular order....

1. I've cried during the Bachelor (more than once).
2. I'm a shameless spray tanner and I make Aaron spray my back with tanner days before I know I'll be wearing an open back top.
3. I was 16 when I had my first kiss. (I CANNOT believe I just put that on the internet. All in the name of showing off a cute new skirt I suppose..)
4. My AIM screen name in high school was dancemonkey708
5. I was Hello Kitty for halloween...3 years ago.

[Aaron suggested including that I like to pour chocolate milk in my Red Berries Special K. I don't think thats toooooo embarrassing or is it? It is DELICIOUS!]


  1. I love that skirt! No need to post embarrassing facts! Promise, not shallow at all! Rock it!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks thanks! Super comfy, its going to be a staple I'm sure!

  3. Hi! Just found your blog from your ad on Lauren Elizabeth and I love it!

  4. I may or may not have cried during the bachelor as well, so you aren't alone!

    Love your style!

    1. Thanks! :) Glad to hear I'm not alone in my Bachelor cries!

  5. That outfit is amazing! Love the skirt and even better that you scored it at 40% off! And hey, my aim screenname was roxymonkey414 sooo mine was not any better!




    1. Thanks, lady! Hilarious how similar our screenames were. Weren't we creative! ha!

  6. I love your whole outfit! I'm so happy to have found your blog and I can't wait to follow future adventures! (and adorable outfits)
    xo, Hima
    P.S. I just started a blog and joined the cool kids club. I'd love for you to swing by and leave me a comment with some feedback! Thank you so much.
    Hima Hearts

    1. Thanks, Hima! I'll def check out your new blog! Invite me to the cool kids club too :)

  7. And oh so comfy! A new closet FAV!

  8. That is such a pretty skirt and I love or with the chambray. I love your braid too. ; ) thanks for linking up!!

  9. Fun print on that skirt!! Thanks for linking up your chambray outfit to the Trend Spin linkup!


    The Fashion Canvas

  10. No need to be ashamed....that skirt is adorable!! And I love that you paired it with booties. Booties are my obsession right now!

    - Kaitlyn

    Boardwalks & Boulevards

  11. Guilty!! I have totally bought something in the mind set that I can't wait to show it off on my blog. At least you know you aren't alone though!!

