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embracing a new type of saturday morning..

//vest- old (similar)//tank//skirt//necklace-on sale!//bag-old (identical)//

I'm turning 27 soon which I can no longer deny is late 20's. If you had asked me, say, 5 years ago, where I'd be at 27, I likely would not have guessed where I am now. 5 years ago, I was a senior in undergrad - late 20's was a lifetime away! Welp folks, late 20's is here and it ain't so bad. I've been blessed to have so many exciting opportunities come my way and I'm such a mature adult now. Ha, if only the latter were true..

Why this period of reflection? What made me feel old? Because A and I woke up early on Saturday to GO TO COSTCO TO BEAT THE LINES. Are you shaking your head? Me too. But I fully owned it and ate a whole meal (or 2) by sample hopping and picked up a new Smashbox primer that I'm super jazzed  about. But that my friends is how I spent my Saturday morning. And I liked it. And I really liked that churro I got for the road.

I also saw Monsters University on Saturday night reverting me back to 7 years old so yea... I guess you can take the above with a grain of salt.

Oh hey! While you're here, don't forget to catch Erin's group giveaway this month. One face might look familiar... :)


  1. Love the outfit! And hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting to beat some saturday morning costco lines!




  2. You have your golden 30's to look forward to. Trust me, it only gets better!


  3. Happy early bday!! I then 30 in 1 week, eek!!! Love the skirt, sandals and denim vest. I would love for you to come linkup this look with my denim chambray linkup today. ; )

  4. Loving your vest and the pop of color from your skirt. =) You're so pretty! And happy early birthday to you! my birthday is in 10 days, lol. =)

  5. I have the same skirt and love it! You styled it incredibly.
