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a little gift....to myself

//dress- old (from a sorority sister's closet)// chambray- target// shoes- seychelles (old)(similar stylesimilar color) //bag- madewell//

I had an amazing birthday. THANK YOU for all the birthday love. It was such a special day!

I was perusing Madewell last week in pursuit of a birthday present for myself when I spotted this bag. The first thing I thought was I HAD to have it. The second was, that looks so familiar, I think one of my girlfriends carries it. Third thought, I hope she's not mad I'm about to buy it as an early birthday present to myself. I EVEN went as far as to think, whatever she'll get over it because its a birthday gift. Remember, this was a birthday gift to me from ME. 

A few things to note about this little story:
a) I have never once bought myself a birthday present (let alone, bought one a whole week before my birthday) so I'm not sure what made me feel so inclined to shop around Georgetown until I found the perfect gift...for myself.
b) I then justified the possibility of insulting a friend by copying her bag choice by the fact that it was a birthday gift...from myself
c)  and what is the worst of the three, I later realized this "friend" I was thinking of (and potentially insulting) was actually not someone I even knew. It was my lady crush KENDI. SOOOO there's that too.

All that to say, you should totally run out and get this bag because its fantastic. You barely even need an excuse. Do you have a birthday this year? Yep? Go ahead and feel free to buy yourself an early gift...

This new mentality of mine could get me in a lottttt of shopping trouble. Stay tuned.


  1. Love this bag! You and Kendi are twins today! I am on the look out for a new bag! It looks like a contendor!



  2. Hi Nicole,
    I just found your blog and looked around it. Your blog is amazing and I really like your style. This one is so pretty. I'm your new follower.
    Have a great day.
    xo, Petra


  3. I NEED that bag! The whole outfit is adorable and perfect for summer. So cute!



    I've been dying for that Madewell bag but can't justify it when I have a million and 1 totes.
    BOO! You totally rock it, girl!

  5. I do heart that bag lady. Remember my philosophy, birthday celebrations last AT LEAST the whole month.

  6. I have been lusting after that bag! So pretty and timeless!

    Fizz and Frosting

  7. Darling bag! Hope you had a lovely birthday, love :)

    Thank you for choosing to link up with Style Sessions!

    Lauren xx
