I'm the chair of a committee in my office that plans social and professional development activities for the office. For those of you who are or were Greek in college, you're probably wondering to yourself "Nicole, are you trying to say you're the Social Chair of your office." The short answer is yes. The long answer is that it's more a blend of the Social and Activity Chairs because we're placing a larger emphasis on service and volunteerism. Regardless, you didn't come here to read about my office and I sure as heck didn't start blogging because I want to write about office committees.
I mention it because tomorrow, the committee, is celebrating Halloween with a "Spooky Treats" potluck of sorts. And me, being the ever so on top of it chair that I am, completely forgot until today and now need to come up with something "pinteresty" to bring. [side note: is anyone else as sick of the spam and broken links on Pinterest as I am?!] I've rounded up 5 (seemingly) simple and easy ideas as inspiration for those of you who may find yourself in a similar boat. Or maybe you're just way more on top of than I am and need another idea for tomorrow. :)
Those Vampire Bat Cookies are adorable!