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all bundled up and recharged

I mentioned last week that I was staying in DC for Thanksgiving. The first two years I was in DC I was pretty bummed I wasn't in SF for the holiday and while this year I was just as bummed, I made sure to appreciate what staying in DC meant. It meant time to relax, embrace a mini staycation and enjoy a quiet and slow paced DC which is pretty much non existent any other time of the year.

It was also the perfect time for me and the boyfriend to chill out and just be us. We've been sailing in some rough waters recently and a week of quiet in DC was totally what we needed to recharge. He planned a little surprise for Thanksgiving morning and I do NOT like surprises. (Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm a control freak....) All he told me was to dress warm because we would be outside so I bundled up in my coziest layers and crossed my fingers we weren't hiking (an outdoor activity he loves and I don't love as much....) The surprise? Ice skating at the ice rink in the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden which is something I've been DYING to do since we moved here. :)

Let's also be real for a minute about what rough waters looks like. It looks like vino, ben and jerrys, and retail therapy. We've all been there. Just a word of advice though- don't do anything too drastic....like get those blunt bangs you've always talked about but never actually were going to do. Trust me on that one :)

(Can you see them peaking out from under my hat?)

coat- H&M (old)
sweater- costco (HA!)
jeans- loft

linking up with Lauren today!