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weekly round up

It's finally Friday! I am SO ready for vacation and to be home in SF for the holidays. I'm headed out in less than 48 hours! I've actually been feeling pretty under the weather this week so this weeks roundup will be brief. I have to get back to the couch and my Bravo marathon :)

Virgin America is my airline of choice which is great because there are so many direct from DC options. Can't wait to see their new safety video on my flight.

I try to ship most of my gifts to save room in my suitcase. But that means I need to wrap them all once I get home! I love the idea of an easy DIY wrapping paper like this, this or this option.

Speaking of DIY and last minute, I've rounded up a few (seemingly) easy DIY gifts in case you still have a few gifts on your list. Just don't DIY a gift for the person who is the queen of the DIYs. You know who that person is in your life. Just get them a gift card and call it a day.

As I love all things sparkle, I am OB-SESSED with this clutch from Kate Spade. 

My skin has been SO dry this winter, more so than any other winter, and I tried this lotion in my Birchbox. It is amazing and a must for anyone with dry skin like me!

ALSO, next week I'm taking a little break from blogland to enjoy every minute of being home with my family. BUT I will be sharing little bits and pieces via instgramtwitter and facebook so follow along there if you will :)

Travel safely, be merry and have a blessed holiday with your loved ones!


1 comment

  1. Still embracing the messy hair and sweatpants, even though my break is over. No shame!
