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im back (with a giveaway)!

Mic check mic check. Is this thing on? Oh it is? Well where have I been??!

I've been.... home in San Francisco!
I spent eight glorious days back home in (surprisingly) sunny days San Francisco with my family for the holidays. My dad, who lives in LA came up for the week and both my brothers are home as well. Its tough for us all to get together since we live all over the country so it was extra special to get to spend so much time with all of them. I also caught up with my college and high school besties, did some shopping with my mama,  and got down on some In and Out. le duh.

I've been....celebrating the new year with my DC family!
I came back to DC on New Years Eve and spent NYE celebrating with my DC familia (minus Aaron *sad face*) over dinner and copious amounts of champagne (and Polaroid's) back at our apartment. Cue a January 1 hangover....
I've been..... working on New Years Resolutions.
I'm not much of a resolution person. Some years I make a checklist of things I want to accomplish, some years I work really hard having tangible resolutions like losing weight, getting organized yadda yadda. This year, I'm not making resolutions per say; I'm just hoping to be more present and grateful. The past few months have been a bit of a blur because of stress, work, just LIFE being busy and I was just sort of phoning it in. I'm hoping that this year I can be a bit more focused, present everyday and back to writing in my gratitude journal every day. I know it will be a good daily reminder for me and a chance to refocus.
I've also been.....teaming up with a few other bloggers to giveaway a Naked 3 Palette and two large eyeshadow brushes from Ulta! 
These eye shadow palettes are seriously amaaazing. They are great quality and with 12 different colors, the options are endless. This is one of those giveaways I wish I could win! Good luck and be sure to check out the other bloggers I've teamed up with! 


-US only 
-all entries are mandatory
-giveaway begins at 6 am MST on 1/6/14 and ends at 12 am MST on 1/13/14
-winner will be announced on 1/14/14

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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