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I survived!

I've survived my first (and hopefully only) polar vortex! No, this is not what I was wearing yesterday. This was. I've lived in DC about 2.5 years and this is what this CA girl has noticed...

-People surrrriously flip their shit about the weather. If there is any chance of extreme or inclement weather, people start to lose their minds. I'm not kidding. And because I'm still relatively new to the area, I sometime (read: often) still fall for it. I'm a huge stressball and I can often catch stress from other people (its contagious!) so I panic about weather by association. I'm super thankful for my roommates, both originally from the north east and who really know what inclement weather is, can talk me off the ledge and tell me I will not get frostbite while waiting for the bus and do not need to take a cab to work.

-People really step up their fur (or faux fur) game in the super cold. I'm not talking about trendy fur vets, I'm talking floor length coats, snoods on snoods on snoods, colored fur, trapper hats, ear warmers, etc. I only have one faux fur coat that I bought  at Forever 21 for a mixer in college and it definitely does not keep me warm. Not sure it's a trend I'll hop on board with but for now, I enjoy watching from the sidelines.  Side note: I've also been known to bust my faux fur coat out on occasion and get "fur coat wasted". Don't ask.

-People like to joke with me and ask how bad I wish I was back in sunny California. Don't joke, you would wish it too if you grew up in 65 degree winters.

-Snow days are the COOLEST (ha, see what I did there). No work, no school, wine for lunch and Bravo all day; people live for these days. So I've heard.... I have yet to have one! I work at a university and cancelling work also means cancelling class which is hardly ever in the best interest of the students. So for now, I have to live vicariously through all the snapchats I get while I'm at work and my DC friends are playing in the snow! Superstition says if you wear your pajamas inside out the night before, you will get a snow day the next day. I obviously have to start doing that...

Dress- H&M (old, see here too)
Hat- Target (old, similar)
Bag- Longchamp -on sale right now! Hurry!
Leg warmers (old, similar)
Booties-Target (sold out, similar)
Sunglasses-Anthropologie (last summer)

 Don't forget to enter Monday's Naked 3 palette giveaway!