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weekly round up 4.25

Happy Friday!

I'm working hard to find balance this week- a balance between work, personal , relationships, creative outlets and other blessings life is throwing my way. I'm reminding myself daily that a full plate is a blessing because it means there are so many things in my life that bring me happiness. Rather than focusing on an overwhelming feeling, I've bee trying to focus on feeling fulfilled with the opportunities I'm being afforded right now. The key word here being TRYING... :) In more exciting news, today is one of my best friends birthdays and we're celebrating by going wine tasting tomorrow! I've never been to the Virginia wineries so I'm really looking forward to celebrating and trying new (to me) wine!

If I haven't yet outgrown my love for Disney princesses at 27, I don't know if I ever will. I'm loving these minimalist posters.

This leather trim cardigan is everything.

I mean this guy can seriously dance.

Of course there is the side of me that loves comic book hero's too. Batman being my favorite but thanks to RDJ, IronMan is a close second.

I need a new weekender bag. The one I currently use is just a smidge too big. I'm loving how simple and classic this one is from Sole Society.

In honor of Earth Day this week, check out this incredible pictures taken from space.

A fast casual Taco Bell chain? Be still my heart.

1 comment

  1. I would eat at a fancy taco bell every single day. Please let this happen.
