Two outfit posts in one week?! SOMEONE must be doing some procrastinating before finals. I'm done with finals on Tuesday and can't wait to have a margarita or two (or eight) to celebrate. Pretty fitting considering next Tuesday is Cinco de Mayo. Who am I to turn down a tequila based celebration?!
When was the last time you shopped at Express? I haven't been there for quite some time since I assumed it was mostly club wear but I popped into the outlet recently and was presently surprised. There was definitely your fair share of bandage dresses (not a cute look on me) but I was so impressed with their work appropriate selection. Even better, it fits really well! I went in looking for some warm weather work clothes (which I found) but my heart skipped a beat when I saw this jumpsuit.
Wearing a jumpsuit is essentially wearing footie pajamas (without the "footies") out in public. They're comfortable, easy, and stylish. If that's not a winning combination, I don't know is. I've been looking for a black jumpsuit that I could easily dress up or down and wear for work/play/running errands. And I think I found the golden ticket with this one.
This post is kind of a tease (and #bloggerfail) since I can't find it online for you though I did get it recently at the Express Outlet so I'm sure it's still in stock. Since I can't find this dreamboat of a jumpsuit online, I've rounded up a few other suitable options for you.
Expect to see this bad boy around these parts more often. I've got big plans for all the ways to wear it.
I need a jumpsuit like this in my wardrobe. You look great.