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the best three mascaras

[click on the + above to shop  the mascaras]

I know I've told y'all before but without mascara, I look like I don't have any lashes. Despite the natural length of my lashes, the tips of my lashes are blonde so without mascara my lashes look stubby which, if you were wondering, is not a cute look. I could also use some serious help in the volume department so I'm always on the lookout for new mascaras to add to my arsenal. Right now, I'm loving the three above. I keep the Maybelline tube in my purse for mid day touch ups and use both the YSL and MAC tubs in the morning. I start with YSL and use the MAC comb to comb through all my lashes and add just a smidge more length. The combo really packs a 1-2 punch.

What are your favorite mascaras? Do you like to switch it up or have you used the same mascara for years? Leave your recommendations in the comments or tweet me!


*I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. As always, opinions are always my own.

1 comment

  1. I am always looking for a good quality mascara. I loved one I had purchased at Mac and just need to bite the bullet and spend the money on more. There are definitely products where it's beneficial to pay a little more.
