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a piece of advice...

pants (DIY distressed) | similar vest | shoes | bag | watch c/o
Photos  by Kristyn

I spent this past weekend in class -- Thursday, Friday (National Tequila day), and Saturday in a cold  and  over air conditioned classroom rather than enjoying the beautiful weather outside.

And you know what? I loved it. 

I lament about school a lot and perhaps more than I should. It is really hard to give up your free time, (and celebrating National Tequila Day) to sit in a classroom or at a coffee shop working on a case study. But this past weekend was just the reminder I needed that school is a really incredible (and valuable!) opportunity. 

The three day seminar was about global sports entrepreneurship and featured alumni entrepreneurs who are doing really COOL things, for lack of a better word. I don't have an entrepreneurial spirit, I'm far more of an implementer than a idea person, but that doesn't mean I'm not inspired by a 23 year old who owns a million dollar company. I mean if a 23 year old CEO doesn't light a fire under my ass and make me evaluate my 5 year plan, nothing will.

And the opportunity to learn from trailblazers and innovators in an intimate classroom of 25 students is worth every last penny of my tuition.

The best advice from the seminar came from a higher up at Under Armour. I asked about any challenges she has faced as a women in a male dominated industry. She didn't think the challenges she faced were any different than the challenges women face in our society every day so her advice was the same whether I pursued a career in athletics or otherwise.

She said, "Stay hungry and work hard. As long as you're hungrier and work harder than the person next to you, you'll get to where you want to go. And don't ever forget that."

So stay hungry, sisters. *fist bump* 


I would be remiss if I didn't talk about the watch I'm wearing in this post while talking about innovative entrepreneurs. My watch gifted from JORD watchesJORD watches are all made from natural, sustainability sourced wood from all around the globe! Yep, it is a WOOD watch. How cool is that? And because each timepiece is made from wood, each watch is uniquely yours. Don't care that it's sustainable sourced (you should because, um, one earth), maybe you'll care that it is light AF. A high quality, budget friendly watch that you can hardly even tell you're wearing? I'm sold.


Note, I received a complementary product from JORD in exchange for this post. As always, opinions are always my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that partner with A Dash of Gold
Watch Gift Ideas


  1. Fist bump! I completely agree about school -- it's really hard to drag myself there sometimes, especially while all my friends are out at happy hour drinking tequila. I just remember the long term benefits! I so enjoyed reading this post, and you look great!
