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the best mascaras (for every budget)

If you remember, a few weeks ago I shared that I am a bona fide make up hoarder. Despite my public announcement and admittance, the problem habit hasn't tempered but I have stayed organized. Using these acrylic organizers makes it easy to see what I have on hand, and has made getting ready in the  morning so.much.easier. Funny how much easier your morning is when you're organized. Note to self: tackle your closet this weekend.

I chatted about my favorite (and not so favorite foundations) last month -- you can check out that recap here. Today, we're talking mascara.

Great Lash has been around for 40 years so you know it's good. It's a tried and true beauty classic. That being said, I need a mascara with some oomph. I have long lashes but they are fine and blonde tipped so I look for mascaras that will make my lashes fuller and more voluminous. Great Lash mascara is a wet formula so its gives great color and has great staying power. It doesn't, however, give great volume. I leave a tube in my make up bag for touch ups during the day.

I love this mascara and was pleasantly surprised when I picked it up on a whim when I was in Arizona for a wedding last year. I forgot to pack mascara but luckily we were staying across the street from a mall with a MAC store. I don't dislike MAC products but I was never a MAC junkie (aside from high school) so I didn't have high expectations. That being said, I was blown away with this mascara. First of all, its $17.00 -- a steal for a name brand mascara. The brush is like a comb and gets in between each and every lash to evenly coat all of your lashes. The result is dark thick lashes -- just how I like it!

With a name like this, this mascara has better be good. And while I won't confirm or deny the name, I can confirm it is really freaking fantastic. Since discovering this (thanks, Mom!), it has been my daily mascara when I want full, voluminous, long lashes. Its buildable so one swipe is perfect on the weekend and a few swipes when I'm looking for a more dramatic look. Be careful though -- too many coats will leave you with some serous tarantula lashes so stick to 2 or 3. If it does start to clump, I run the MAC Super Sculpt Lash comb through to break up the lashes. I love, love, love this mascara.

This used to be my favorite mascara until I found Two Faced Better Than Sex. It gives great volume and length and is super easy to apply. It falls short because it dries out super easily (both on your lashes and in the tube). I found that it flakes after a long day and the product in the tube dries out after 6-8 weeks of use. The wand is more of a comb and not your typical mascara wand so when the product dries, you can almost feel the needles of the comb on your lid. It doesn't feel great. So for the first month or so, I love this product but given that it is the same price as the Two Faced tube, I've stopped buying it.

What are your favorite mascaras?? Will you leave them in the comments? I'm always looking to try new brands!


  1. LE VOLUME DE CHANEL! It's pricey at 32 bucks a pop (ouch) but its so build-able and amazing! They're real was my favorite before this one. I also like Clinique's high impact curling ($16ish) it comes off in tubes which is nice because you don't get any black mess when washing it off but it also really builds nicely and actually lifts your lashes!

  2. I'm using they're real right now and I love it!
