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Thankful on Thursday: a 49ers win!

This week I am very thankful for a 49ers win. As to not offend any real 49ers fan, I need to acknowledge that I must use the word "fan" very loosely to describe me. I enjoy watching football and want to see the 49ers do well but it would be an insult to true diehard 49ers fans to call me a real fan. Let's put it this way, if someone that had same level level of interest I have in the 49ers in the Giants and then called themselves a true Giants FAN, I (as a born and raised Giants fan) would be insulted. Does that help clarify things? I hope.

Ok, well Aaron is a REAL DEAL Dolphins fan. He became a Dolphins fan growing up because Dan Marino was his favorite player when he was younger and now he has been a fan too long to abandon them. He is a true fan and a fan through ups and downs ( Maybe more downs than ups so far, juuuustsayin'). BUT rather than be a supportive girlfriend for the team he has loved his whole life, I cheered against him.

I am also a very competitive person usually for unnecessary things. Like, I am no where near the same level of fan-dom as Aaron is but I wanted this 49ers win BAD. REAL BAD. Really only to be able to dance and gloat the whole way home.

Well the 49ers won and I danced the whole way home.  It would have been a very long walk home for me with all the smack talk I was laying on if the Niners had lost.

Also worth noting- I am very thankful for sockbuns and tatchos (nachos made with tater tots instead of chips served at our favorite neighborhood bar, Tonic)

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