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[currently loving] 2013

Oh hey guys, remember me? The one who had this wonderful idea to start blogging as a creative outlet and to share some of my favorite shenanigans with you? Well to my loyal readers still checking in (hi Mom), I'M BACK! With of course a new years resolution to continue (read: start) blogging consistently.

2013 has been a whirlwind so far and if it is any indication of the year to come (as obviously the first 2 weeks of any year are...) 2013 is going to be thrilling and also kick my butt. And I am ready! Fortunately, with some extra cushion in my tush if ya know what I mean... Note to self: reserve a bike for spin class tomorrow.

Cheers to an exciting new year for us all filled with adventures, love, discovery, and hopefully crossed paths. And cheers to taking more pictures as the picture below is the only picture I have from the past month.... Note to self: make resolution to take more pictures.

New Years Eve spend with close friends and our part of our amazing DC family. Jeremy was a welcomed guest :)

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