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[friday favorites]

This week I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday to share with you some of my favorite things from this week....

(from top left)
1. Apology macaroons from a caterer that royally screwed up one of my events this week. The macaroons most certainly did not make up for the blunder but was a nice surprise to share with the office
2. A little sunshine peaking through my office window. It's been snowy, wet and grey in DC lately so sunshine is a warm welcome. (Pun intended)
3. Hope you noticed the new look of my blog and new name! Feels more me :)
4. My hometown 49ers are playing in the Superbowl this weekend and I could not be more excited. While I'm more of a baseball girl myself, I'm beyond thrilled for all my life long 49ers friends and family. Love to see San Francisco teams do well! 
5. My Hello Apparel sweater arrived! Last week I was set to make my order and for some reason or another got distracted and never completed the order. The next day Hello Merch was featured on GMA and offering their sweaters at a majorly discounted rate. Win for me! It is the coziest sweater ever and I imagine it will get a LOT of use.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! TGIF!

PS. Want to link up with Lauren too? It's so easy!


  1. what a cute sweater! and that's so terrible about your event being messed up,,,but at least they recognized their mistake! working with vendors is definitely full of potential for stress!

    happy friday! xo, sarah grace

    1. Thanks! It is so soft and cozy!! Working with vendors can be so stressful -they can make or break an event!
