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at home barista

I need to use the term barista VERY loosely. In our house, Aaron is the barista. He make the most fantastic espresso drinks which make for a delicious Sunday morning treat. Actually, Aaron makes espresso most mornings, but I'm always running too late to sit down to enjoy an americano. Thank goodness my office has a Keurig!

ANYwho, in the summer, I am obsessed with Iced Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks and with a Starbucks just around the corner from my office, my obsession has turned in a almost daily habit and that adds up! And then I thought to myself, why can't I just make this at home? Starbucks already sells the darn teabags!

What you'll need:
Starbucks Iced Passion Tea 
Hot Water
Simple syrup (if you'd like!)

How to:
-Steep one teabag in 32oz of water. In my pitcher, that meant filling it up about half way.
-After 5 minutes, remove the tea bag and add cold water so the pitcher is about 3/4 of the way full.
-Add enough lemonade to fill the pitcher
-Add in simple syrup to taste. (Personally, I found the lemonade to be sweet enough)

Full disclosure: I mayyyy or may not be planning to add an additional ingredient to make this an adult beverage for festivities on Thursday iffff ya know what I mean :)