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open mic night

//vest- f21 (similar)//top//jeans//bag//shoes (on sale!)//

Last week, A and I went to see the daughter of an old co-worker of mine perform at an Open Mic night at Bus Boys and Poets. I'm not much of an artist. And I'm absolutely not a public speaker. So an open mic night is pretty much the exact opposite of me. So much so that I actually find myself getting anxious for the performers! Good grief, Nicole. Get a drink, take a seat and chill out.

My co-workers daughter absolutely CRUSHED it. She was the spotlight artist and sang an Amy Winehouse song and read two incredible pieces. Oh and did I mention she's only 15?! And absolutely gorgeous? And super smart? That girl is goin' places, friends. Mark my words.

Watching people perform their art was pretty much the coolest and super inspirational. Doubtful, I'll be headed up to say ANYthing anytime soon. But I'll definitely be back to watch!

Happy MONDAY, y'all! Have a good one!


1 comment

  1. I love getting inspired by people who are totally going for it!

    ps, love your sparkle/military combo
