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weekly round up

I'm really loving all these tulle skirts I've seen popping up all over the place. I love how chic and surprising the look is. Tulle and chambray, tulle and plaid or (my favorite) tulle and leather are such unexpected combinations that totally work. But alas, I am no Carrie Bradshaw and a tulle skirt doesn't quite fit the 9-5 dress code. So I will continue to live vicariously through fashion bloggers and admire from a far. 

But despite knowing full well a tulle skirt has no place in my life (right now), I still spent some time looking this week for something I could make office appropriate. Spoiler alert: that doesn't exist. It's actually laughable that I tried to look. However, in my search, I did come across this skort at a great price point that is a total Zara dupe. 

I was invited this week to a luncheon with other DC bloggers and the CEO of Peruvian Connection. It's a brand I already knew and loved but to get to know the history of the company, the efforts they make to keep the pieces high quality and true to themselves was really inspiring. In our current market where brands are often diluted to meet mass quantities, it was heartening to hear how Peruvian Connection stays true to their roots, is still incredibly successful, and continues to GROW.

The luncheon was my first out-from-behind-the-computer (is that a thing? I'm making it a thing) event related to blogging. This blog really started out as a hobby (because I realized I didn't have any...) so to see it grow is so unexpected, make my heart flutter a bit, and makes me really appreciate of YOU for reading and in your own way encouraging me to continue my hobby! As I learn more about blogging, the community and the networking (through in person events and behind the screen), I've been really grateful for CAPFABB, a fantastic network of DC bloggers that was just listed as a regional resource by IFB. Big stuff for CAPFABB.

This post is turning into a TL;DR post so I'll hurry it up.

-My obsession with all things pugs is only grows after being sent this buzzfeed list.
-As does my obsession with all things pumpkin after stumbling across this recipe
-These wine glasses look familiar? I may or may not have googled "Olivia Pope wine glasses" while looking for new stemware this week. Go ahead and judge. I'll just drink wine out of my new glasses :)
-Had a great time at the GiltCity Warehouse sale last weekend. Is it coming to a city near you? If so, don't miss it.
-I hate haunted houses, scary movies, fright fests etc. Just so not for me. Read about this haunted house this week which is so not for me. You gotta be sick in the head to want to do something like that, right? No, because it's sold out and apparently people love it. *shaking my head*

Have a good weekend!


  1. I got a black tulle skirt last year from Anthropologie and it is my obsession. I get really excited when I wear it. I feel so Carrie Bradshaw in it! And I am obsessed with pugs too (even though we don't have pugs...) Have a great weekend!


  2. Ohh, I've been obsessing over tulle skirts for a while now! I have it on my to-do list to learn how to make them myself. :)
