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black white and red all over

DC  is a great city and offers a lot of amazing things but centralized shopping is absolutely not one of them. I do most of my shopping online which is convenient since I sit in front of a computer most of the day but also makes it terrible for my bank account at the same time. Its like the time I worked at Nordstrom for a month and didn't make any money because I spent it all shopping and eating at their delicious cafe because it was too convenient.. ANYwho, this past weekend I was returning some ill fitting online purchases and I gave myself a little pep talk during my walk to the stores. I kept reminding myself to stay strong and that I didn't need anything new; I was only to return what didn't fit. In what feels like my never ending quest to curate a closet in which everything matches, I'm being more honest with myself about where the holes are and trying to stick with purchases that only fill those voids. The keyword there is trying. And I knew my biggest challenge of the day would be to not get sucked into the 40% off everything black hole that is Ann Taylor Loft when I went to make my return.

I am proud to report to you that the credit card and I made it out alive and barely bruised. I picked up this embellished sweater- a trend I wasn't really loving until I saw this delicate beading- which I think adds the perfect touch of sparkle to an otherwise ordinary black sweater. And I can see it getting a lot of use around the holidays. Hooray, closet void filled AND 40% off saved! I may or may not  have also picked up a grey leopard print soft skirt that fills absolutely no void in my closet but hey, I said I'm trying. Baby steps, people!

*I had to return pair of jeans I bought online not because they didn't fit but because I already owned them.... and didn't realize..... #goodonenicole

sweater-loft (sold out online)
white collar shirt- factory
coat-target, old (I'm pretty obsessed with this one though...)


  1. It would be so dangerous for me to work at a retail store, especially if I liked their merchandise! Love this sweater, I could definitely see it in my closet too :)

    <3 Vicki
