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weekly roundup

Happy Friday! Last night I celebrated Friendsgiving with my DC family. We started this tradition last year and it is seriously so so nice. Our families are all over the country and people start heading home this weekend so last night was the perfect time to get everyone together for a family dinner. I'm really blessed to have found such a wonderful group of caring people that have totally made my DC experience. It is really hard to be across the country from family but it is made a little bit easier by having friends you can call your family away from home. 

Doesn't this recipe for fresh mozzarella and basil bites look delicious?

I'm already getting into the holiday spirit and pretty much NEED a holiday sweater. Loving this one, this one and am of course OBsessed with this one!

I'm also pretty sure I NEED this skirt from Factory but this definitely needs to be on my wait two weeks and decide if you still want it list. Isn't it adorable?

Continuing with the theme of sparkle and perfection, Kate Spade can do no wrong and this DIY combines my favorite things: glitter and champagne.

I couldn't get enough of the BatKid Story! It made my heart SO full and made me love San Francisco AND the Make A Wish Foundation even more than I already do. This faux movie trailer is adorable.

Someone suggested I check out Love21 for coats. Man, am I impressed! Not sure about the quality yet but I will do some investigating for you :)

Gearing up for holiday shopping/black Friday shopping? Don't forget to use the code DASH15 to save 15% off Waffles and Honey Jewelry!

Have a great great weekend! 


PS-linking up with Lauren and Lauren today!


  1. That "friendsgiving" tradition sounds so fun! And perfect for people who want to see their friends but also have a lot of traveling in order to spend the holidays with family!

  2. Very informative blog article. Will read on…
