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link love

Happy Friday, amigas!

This week was a bit of a blur for me. I stayed home on Tuesday after getting some sort of stomach bug this weekend and I telework on Fridays so I had two super packed two days in the office. Factor in school and a sick doggy and this week flew by right before my eyes. I can't believe it's already the weekend though I am not complaining.

I'm thinking of sharing some tips about teleworking and how to make the most out of your time working from home. Would that be of interest to anyone? I've been teleworking for a few months now and while I love it, it did take me some time to get into a productive groove.  I'm happy to also stick to fashion/beauty/etc if you could give a rats ass about working from home. No offense taken :) I'm also happy to just stick to posting at all since I've been super MIA around these parts the past few weeks. I've been just been to busy living mai lyfe. ha.

Have a good weekend! Catch ya next week!

Links I'm loving..

Sales and such....


  1. Would definitely love to hear more about your experience working from home!! It's always nice to hear other people's tips/tricks, because it can definitely be hard. Have a great weekend!

    Annie Reeves

  2. what a great selection of links! loved the article about trying to dress like kim and also about old navy! great reads.
