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link love

Happy Friday, Friends! It's been awhile since I've posted a link love and I'm not sure why. They are some of my favorite posts to write. I try to collect links throughout the week that have caught my eye but I've been slammed at work the past few weeks so I haven't been able to read as much as I'd like. Things are slowing down(ish) so I'm hoping to get back to regular link love posting.

Also, face lift much? A Dash of Gold got a little work done this week. I'm hoping the new format will help you better navigate the different categories as well as be a little more user friendly if read from your phone.

Links and such...

Sales and such...

Coming up on A Dash of Gold next week...

  • My weekend uniform as of late
  • Lessons I've learned in the first 6 months of being engaged.

Enjoy your long weekend!

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