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the weekend uniform

Hello! How was your weekend?

Aaron and I spent Saturday on a tour of local DC breweries (his surprise present for Valentine's Day) which neither of us had done before. There is a great craft brew scene brewing (see what I did there) here in DC, and Aaron is a big beer afficianado. I myself am a wine girl but enjoyed the tour none the less. If you're local to DC and are curious about our itinerary, let me know! I'm happy to share more about the planning and timing, and some tips that I learned along the way. You can easily make it a full day!

As we were out (and drinking) most of the day on Saturday, we took it easy on Valentine's Day opting for thai take out rather than braving the crowds for a romantic dinner out. Lounging around at home with my best friend made for the perfect Valentine's Day.

School has been pretty light on work so far this semester (knock on wood) which means I can spend the weekend relaxing (and blogging!) We have really been able to enjoy the weekend together by checking out new restaurants, doing wedding stuff. and generally just enjoying eachothers company. I'm also able to find time to decompress from the previous week and get ready for the week ahead. It's been really enjoyable and has done wonders for my anxiety. Having that time on the weekend to fully decompress is really important for my well-being.

Because our weekends have been so laid back, I've been keeping it casual with distressed jeans and layers a.k.a my favorite things to wear. I keep going back to these staples -- a cotton tee, boots, a leather or denim jacket, and distressed jeans. For me, it's easy and comfortable which makes me feel good.

And if I had to describe my style, "makes me feel good" is it. Or at least, what I want it to be.

So I spent some time this weekend refining my closet and trying to keep only the "makes me feel good" pieces. I've loaded up a giant bag, and plan to get rid of one more thing each day of Lent and donate everything at the end of 40 days. 

Local DC friends, any ideas for a good place to donate clothes? I have been dropping donations off at a local Plant Aid bin but after doing some research, I'm really disappointed to find a lot of suspicions that their donations don't always reach people in need. If you have any good suggestions of places to donate, let me know! Thanks in advance :)

Hope you guys have a good week! Here on A Dash of Gold, I'll be sharing some things I've learned from wedding planning and some tips on working from home.