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summer hair inspiration

Y'all, its official: spring was only 3 days long and now its officially summer. And It. Is. HOT. Oh and its humid. Oh and it is terrible for my hair. Theres nothing like spending precious minutes in the morning blowing out or curling your hair only to leave your apartment and the intense humidity makes it explode like a lion in .2 seconds. Yes, I'm talking from personal experience. This summer, I'm going to have to be all about the up-do to keep my hair out of my face. But the only up-do in my hair style arsenal is a sock bun so I went to my trusty friend Pinterest for some inspiration....I think I'll start with #3



Wish me luck!


  1. At least you can pull your hair up and hide it if it is not playing nice! I cut mine off and there is no hiding this mess in the FL humidity! Lucky girl!

    1. Oh girl, I cut mine off right before I moved to DC from CA two summers ago and it was brutal! I totally feel you! The humidity is why I decided to grow it back out!

  2. I am loving the different hair dos. I have been looking for some cool different hairstyles and t his is definitely what I have been looking for.

