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jumpsuits in the office

warby parker, baxter, ann taylor loft, jumpsuit, how to style a jumpsuit, work appropriate jumpsuit
I bought this jumpsuit on a whim awhile back. It was trying really hard to stick to my shopping flowchart so I told myself it was work appropriate which I'm not totally sure is the case. One of my coworkers calls them my "hammer pants" which I fear confirms they are not meant for the office. But wearing a jumpsuit is just oh so comfortable! So I might just continue to look the other way and try make a jumpsuit office appropriate....we shall see.

In other news, is Christmas seriously right.around.the.corner??! Does anyone else feel like this holiday season has flown by?! I'm alllllmost done with my shopping (chronic procrastinator right hurrrr) but have a few toughies on my list still (lookin' at you, dad!).  I'm planning to spend this week wrapping presents, packing for my week at home and indulging a bit on treats (and  lets be real- cocktails) at holiday parties. Oh and trying to make time for the gym to counterbalance all the indulging!